Event Name

Give your event a name, we recommend starting the name of your event out with the Year like, "2014 Gymnastics Spectacular"

Event Types

Check the event types you will be hosting

Web Address

Please provide a complete web address to your event.


Provide the date your event starts and the date your event ends. These dates should include the the span of the entire event. Individual dates can be created for each meet.

Event Facility / Location

Provide the name and complete physical address for the event. In Street Address 2 include the building information, like "Building 2" if appropriate.

Host Club

Please list the name of the club hosting the event.

Your Contact Information

Provide your information and be sure to include a *valid email address*. You will receive an email to this address with a copy of your event registration details.

Event Description

Provide a short description (255 characters max) and long description for your event. Both descriptions are optional.

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